If someone asks him, ‘What are these wounds on your body?’ he will answer, ‘The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.’ Zech 13 v 6

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mind-set of the individuals who aid and abet Eddie and Kathy on the run.

Eddie has really played up the fear of the humanistic government taking away his children to gain and sustain support. There is a huge sub-culture of Christians who have a real fear that our government is specifically out to get them simply because of their Christian faith. The Rojas's have insinuated that because of their Christian beliefs and practices the state would take their girls and destroy their family. This sub-set of Christians that help them, buy that hook-line and sinker, because the Rojas's seem so "Godly." Do these people even take one moment to consider further that maybe just maybe there is a felony warrant out on Eddie Rojas because he actually committed a real crime?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't the Rojas' look so normal?

I finally have some photos that Jairus has no claim to. I have the permission of the owner of the photos to post them on my blog.

Don't the Rojas' look so normal? That's the point! Wherever they are I am sure they are putting on a "happy" face. The photos are from quite awhile ago but as of 2007 both Eddie and Kathy pretty much looked like these photos. Maybe you could add a few pounds, a beard/mustache, and on occasion glasses when your looking for Eddie.

If you have any photos of Eddie or Kathy that were taken after 2001 that you personally took and are willing to allow me to post, please e-mail them to me.


Oh by the way...According to Patrick's sexual psychological evaluation, at the time of these photos Eddie and Kathy both knew of at least two pedophilia incidents between Patrick and his own sisters. Eddie never notified the police. Eddie did not get qualified outside help for his little girls. Eddie kept Patrick's sexual crimes a secret.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why does Jairus care if I have a few pictures up?

Okay, here's the thing. Jairus Rojas keeps making complaints to blogger.com about some of the photographs that I have put on this blog. Why? The only picture that hasn't been taken down is the one of Patrick off of the sex offenders web site. The majority of the photos that I have posted have been of Eddie, Kathy, and Patrick Rojas. Most recently the picture of Eddie Rojas taken from his Facebook profile page was removed. Even though the pictures have been removed from my blog, I do have a link available (top right hand side) that will allow you to view Eddie Rojas with his entire family.

Jairus may be in Port Orchard, Washington palling around with his sexual deviant, unrepentant brother, Patrick, but he is working hard to help his father, Eddie, stay under the radar as well. Remember that there is a felony warrant out for Eddie's arrest. Do Jairus and Patrick send Eddie money to help support the family while they are in hiding? Why does Jairus care if I have a few pictures up? Keep looking, people.

Eddie and Kathy are out there somewhere with 10 children. It's time for Eddie to be turned in. It's time for the additional victims of Patrick to start their healing process. It's time for this blog to reach the right people.

A felony warrant does not expire. I still have hope.