If someone asks him, ‘What are these wounds on your body?’ he will answer, ‘The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.’ Zech 13 v 6

Monday, April 6, 2009

Repentant ?

True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice. Martin Luther King, Jr.

People who support Patrick often defend their position with statements such as, "Patrick has repented and is forgiven and we are all sinners, his sin is no different." 

I really want to look at these people sideways.

I want to tackle the "repentant" issue. I am sorry, but in no way can I consider Patrick repentant! I know I am not God and I can not peer into his heart. I also know being repentant is much more than just words and tears.

Someone very wise said to me, "Listen to what Patrick does, not what he says." I want you to listen to what Patrick did. * He only admitted to kissing our child (only because he knew we already knew that information from our child,) *Patrick hired what we considered a slick attorney, instead of accepting the consequences for the crimes he committed, *When the sheriff tried to interview him, he refused to make a statement, *Patrick withheld the names of his additional victims (a selfish act, to protect himself from further prosecution,) * Patrick solicits others to write letters of support for him, *Patrick has never attempted through any legal channel to pay restitution to our family for all the extra expenses we've had because of the victimization,*since Patrick's sentencing he has violated his probation and had to serve additional time.

These are the highlights of his actions. There are other situations that I could outline that are more passive such as, touring the family YMCA in Gig Harbor within months of becoming a level two sex offender or being at the library in Gig Harbor without his court ordered chaperon.

These are not the actions of someone who is repentant!

The scary thing to me is that Patrick's actions actually indicate that he is absolutely going to re-offend. Which means there is another child that will be sexually molested by Patrick.

Someone who is repentant would do everything they could to keep potential victims safe.

Patrick should live in the light. Adults in Patrick's life should know he is a predator and they should understand the danger he poses. Patrick should never be alone with a child. Patrick should name his additional victims so they can receive proper help and he should be willing to accept the consequences that go with his crimes (seeing an abuser receive a "just" sentence goes a long way!)

Patrick SHOULD NOT live life as if he is like someone who is not a sexual predator! The more a sexual predator tries to hide and live as if they do not have a dangerous problem the more you should be afraid of them. Until Patrick is living in the light, Patrick's supporters in the christian community are enabling him to groom another family. They give him credibility by keeping his secrets and choosing to stay naive on the subject matter.

Remember Mr and Mrs Rojas and Jairus Rojas knew of Patrick's pedophile behavior and kept it a secret. After our family was victimized, I confronted Jairus about his knowledge of Patrick being a pedophile and Jairus stated, "Patrick had repented and had matured." My response," Oh, so you thought you would experiment on my family?"

And then there was victim number six, our child.

Please, educate yourself on the issue of childhood sexual abuse. Check out this link Darknesstolight it has preventive tips and information. Be safe! Be informed!

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